Sevenov is dedicated to promoting content in the public domain or legally available for free redistribution. We have a selection of classic novels, essays, and short stories available to read online for free.
Our library is full of timeless masterpieces such as F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations, Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights, and much more. Enjoy the convenience of reading your favorite classics anytime, anywhere, with our free ebook store!
The works of great thinkers and writers open up different worlds and historical perspectives. They give us a glimpse into the past, offering a window through which we see life in different cultures and periods, showcasing how those in bygone eras lived and their beliefs and social norms.
Some of these works contain timeless ideas applicable to anyone and widen our world perspective. They offer us life lessons through human history and, in the process, teach us something about our current time and help us understand contemporary issues through different points of view.
If you like to contribute to the synopsis, story summary, or information for any classic or public domain books, you can drop us a message on our contact form.
We need help researching the authors’ bibliography and organizing the public domain content to upload. If you are keen to help, get in touch with us using our contact form.