Lady Inger of Ostrat by Henrik Ibsen
Author: Henrik Ibsen
Published: 1854
Genre: Historical
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Lady Inger of Ostrat (Fru Inger til Østeraad) is a play by the Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen. Written in 1854, it was his third play.
1. Lady Inger of Ostrat Synopsis
Lady Inger of Ostrat is loosely based on the life of Inger Ottesdotter Rømer (c.1475-1555), the wealthiest landowner in Norway in her era. She was the heiress of the powerful Rømer family and became known for her political intrigues. Her life story took place against the backdrop of the collapse of the Kalmar Union, the struggle for Norwegian Independence, and the Reformation.
Lady Inger of Ostrat bore a strong anti-Danish sentiment and was part of the National Romantic movement in Norway in Ibsen’s time. In this play, Lady Inger is portrayed as the leader of a rebellion against Danish rule. As a young woman, she had a son with her Swedish lover, who was taken back to Sweden by his father. Despite her hatred of the Danish, she marries a Dane to form alliances with her enemies. After being widowed, Lady Inger is called once more to lead the struggle against the Danish. However, she ends up being caught between her desire to protect her son and her patriotic duty.
2. Characters
Lady Inger Ottisdaughter Romer – Widow Of High Steward Nils Gyldenlove.
Elina Gyldenlove – Lady Inger’s daughter.
Nils Lykke – Danish Knight And Councilor.
Olaf Skaktavl – An Outlawed Norwegian Noble.
Nils Stensson
Jens Bielke – Swedish Commander.
Biorn – Major-domo At Ostrat.
Finn – A Servant.
Einar Huk – Bailiff At Ostrat.
Servants, Peasants, And Swedish Men-at-arms
Henrik Ibsen Bibliography | |
Dramas | Catiline | The Burial Mound | Norma, or A Politician’s Love | St. John’s Eve | Lady Inger of Ostrat | The Feast at Solhaug | Olaf Liljekrans | The Vikings at Helgeland | The Mountain Bird | Love’s Comedy | The Pretenders | Brand | Peer Gynt | The League of Youth | Emperor and Galilean | The Pillars of Society | A Doll’s House | Ghosts | An Enemy of the People | The Wild Duck | Rosmersholm | The Lady from the Sea | Hedda Gabler | The Master Builder | Little Eyolf | John Gabriel Borkman | When We Dead Awaken |